Groin Injury Claims – How To Claim Compensation

Damage to your groin can cause problems with walking and mobility and might greatly impact your ability to cope normally with daily life. However, if another party is liable for your injury, you might be entitled to personal injury compensation. This guide offers useful information about groin injury claims.

We examine when a claim for groin injury can be launched with a look at the personal injury claim eligibility criteria. Additionally, we look at some of the most common causes of groin injuries. We also provide details about how groin injury compensation could be awarded should your claim prove successful.

Our final section looks at how we can help. If you meet the groin injury compensation claims eligibility and wish to have legal representation, one of the solicitors from our panel can offer a No Win No Fee arrangement to help with your case.

If you have any questions about the groin injury claims process, or if you would like to find out if you are eligible to claim compensation, speak to one of our advisors. They can help assess and value your groin injury claim.

For a free, no-obligation consultation:

A footballer holds his hand over his groin muscles.

Browse Our Guide

  1. When Can You Claim Groin Injury Compensation?
  2. What Are The Most Common Causes Of Groin Injuries?
  3. How Do You Make Groin Injury Claims?
  4. What Compensation Could You Receive From A Groin Injury?
  5. No Win No Fee Groin Injury Claims
  6. Learn More About Personal Injury Claims

When Can You Claim Groin Injury Compensation?

There are various situations in day-to-day life when an organisation or individual is legally obligated to take proper care to avoid causing some form of foreseeable harm. This legal obligation is what is known as a duty of care. Should this be breached and you sustain injuries as a result, you could file a groin injury compensation claim.

In the sections below, we explore the four main areas where a groin injury could commonly happen, as well as the duty of care governing each one.

Accidents At Work

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASAWA) requires all employers to take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees. This is the workplace duty of care. Failure to meet this obligation and adhere to any relevant health and safety laws could form grounds for an accident at work claim if you sustain an injury because of a breach of them.

Example – An employer fails to ensure that construction site machinery is maintained and tested before use, and it malfunctions, piercing an employee in the groin.

Accidents In A Public Place

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that those responsible for a public space, known as occupiers, must ensure the reasonable safety of visitors to that place if the premises is being used for its intended purpose. This is the duty of care that visitors to public places are owed. If the occupier fails to comply with this duty, you could file a public liability claim against them if this breach causes you to suffer an injury to your groin.

Example – If the local authority or park owner fails to repair a swing or remove it from use until it can be repaired, you or your child could suffer a groin injury.

Road Traffic Accidents

While on the roads, every user, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorbike riders and vehicle drivers, must navigate in a safe and responsible manner to avoid causing damage and injury, both to themselves and others. This is the duty of care that all road users must adhere to. As part of this duty, they must comply with rules and regulations set out for them in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

Example – A motorist is speeding above the legal limit and collides with another driver. A groin injury is part of multiple injuries sustained by the passenger of the other vehicle.

Medical Negligence

When you seek medical attention, you are automatically owed a duty of care. This means that all healthcare workers must deliver services to the minimum expected standards. If the healthcare practitioners responsible for your care fail to provide it to the minimum standard and you sustain unnecessary harm as a result, you could be eligible to make a medical negligence claim.

Example – A surgeon performs a routine procedure on the wrong side of the groin. This creates unnecessary pain and disablement, as well as emotional distress.

Call our dedicated team of advisors to further discuss groin injury claims and find out if you are eligible to seek compensation.

What Are Common Types Of Groin Injury?

Trauma to the muscles and tendons on the upper, inside area of the leg, collectively known as groin injuries, include:

  • Avulsion fracture. When a ligament or tendon pulls a fragment of bone away from the hip in the course of a pelvic fracture.
  • Inguinal hernia. This injury occurs when fat tissue or part of the intestines protrudes through a torn or weak section of the abdominal wall.
  • Athletic pubalgia. This is a tear or strain of a tendon, muscle or ligament in the lower abdomen or groin area. Commonly called a sports hernia, it can be caused by any awkward or abrupt movement.
  • Hip labral tear. The ring of cartilage that covers the outside edge of the hip joint socket is torn which may involve other muscles or ligaments around the groin area.

Direct any questions about groin injury claims to one of the advisors from our team.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Groin Injuries?

Here are a few examples of how groin injuries occur:

  • An employer failed to train you on manual handling. As a result, you picked up an object that was too heavy for you, sustaining a groin injury as well as injuries to your back and shoulders.
  • An intoxicated driver collided with you on your motorcycle and in the collision, the bike crushed your leg and groin.
  • While in a supermarket, you slipped on a wet floor that was not signposted and suffered an injury to your groin in the fall.

Your example may differ so it’s best to chat with our team. They can advise on your eligibility to start a groin injury claim and take it from there.

How Do You Make Groin Injury Claims?

All groin injury claims must have sufficient supporting evidence. This needs to show liability for your injury. We’ve listed some actions and tips below that could help as part of the groin injury claims process:

  • Collect CCTV and/or dash cam footage that caught the accident (if this exists).
  • Get copies of your medical records that confirm your groin injury and the treatment needed.
  • Take photos of the accident site and visible injuries.
  • Collect eyewitness contact information. Supporting testimony can be gathered from them later.
  • Keep a diary of events and key treatments.

One of the many advantages of placing your claim with a solicitor is that they can help you gather proof. Why not see if one of the personal injury solicitors on our panel could assist with your case? Use the contact options above to find out.

A notebook with evidence that shows how your groin injury occurred.

How Long Can You Claim For A Groin Injury?

There is a typical three-year time limit for starting a personal injury compensation claim as per the Limitation Act 1980. This begins from the accident date. There are variations to this under certain circumstances.

If you’d like more information on time limits, exceptions to the limitation period, or any of the points raised so far, please speak to our dedicated advisors.

What Compensation Could You Receive From A Groin Injury?

Compensation in groin injury claims may be comprised of two heads of loss known as general and special damages.

General damages compensate the person for the physical pain and psychological suffering endured because of the accident.

When determining general damages, the parties responsible for doing so might consult medical evidence and documents like the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This publication (now in its 17th edition) lists compensation guideline amounts for a wide range of injuries.

We’ve taken the entries that relate to groin injuries and compiled a table below. Please regard these amounts purely as guidelines. Additionally, the figure in the top row is provided to show you how you could be compensated for multiple severe injuries and special damages. This figure is not from the JCG. Any compensation awarded will depend on the individual circumstances of your case.

Compensation Guidelines

Area of InjuryHow Severe?Compensation GuidelinesNotes
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special Damage Compensation Severe Up to £500,000 plusGroin damage and other severe injuries and an amount under special damages is awarded for lost earnings, medical bills and the cost of care.
Pelvis/Hips(a) Severe (i) £95,680 to £159,770Extensive fractures that might dislocate the back joint and rupture the bladder causing intolerable levels of pain and demanding fusion surgery.
(b) Moderate (i) £32,450 to £47,810Despite a significant injury, no serious permanent disability remains or is deemed likely in the future.
(c) Lesser Injuries (i) £4,820 to £15,370Cases of soft tissue or ligament injury that resolves within 2 - 3 years.
Leg(b) Severe (ii) Very Serious£66,920 to £109,290Injuries that can take years to heal and require the use of mobility aids for the rest of the person's life.
(b) Severe (iii) Serious£47,840 to £66,920Fractures and injuries to ligaments and joints causing instability and the need for extensive periods of treatment.
(c) Less Serious (i) £21,920 to £33,880Serious soft tissue injuries with restricted function and possible nerve damage.
Hernia(a) Continuing Pain£18,180 to £29,490Cases where there is limitation on physical activities even after repair.
(b) Direct Inguinal Hernia£8,560 to £11,120Where there is a risk of reoccurrence after repair.
(c) Uncomplicated Inguinal Hernia£4,140 to £8,830An indirect and uncomplicated lnguinal hernia, potentially repaired with no other abdominal injury.

Alongside an amount for general damages, you could be awarded compensation for any financial harm that your groin injury caused. These come under the second head of loss called special damages. Some examples of costs you could claim include:

  • Loss of earnings for time off work to recover.
  • Medical expenses, such as physiotherapy for damage to your groin muscles.
  • Travel costs to attend medical appointments.
  • Home help, such as a cleaner, while you recover.

As part of the claims process, you will need to submit proof of your costs. You could save payslips, receipts or invoices to help ensure you are fully compensated for these expenses as part of your groin injury claim.

Why not speak to our team to see if a personal injury solicitor could help with this? Their expertise in calculating general and special damages could boost your claim.

No Win No Fee Groin Injury Claims

If you are eligible to file a compensation claim, you may like to do so with the support of a solicitor. One of the solicitors from our panel could help you when claiming groin injury compensation.

Our panel can offer an array of excellent services through a version of a No Win No Fee agreement. Typically, they offer these services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This has numerous advantages for the claimant. For example:

  • No initial fees for the solicitor’s services apply.
  • No fees for ongoing services are required.
  • In addition to this, unsuccessful groin injury compensation claims require no solicitors fees for completed services.
  • A success fee applies in cases that settle in your favour. The success fee will be taken from the compensation awarded to you. Because it’s a legally capped percentage, the majority of the compensation is yours.

We can help by offering a free valuation of your groin injury claim right now. Just call our dedicated team of advisors to see if you are eligible to seek compensation for your groin injury. Then, if you are and would like to proceed with our services, the team can connect you with a personal injury solicitor from our panel. To discuss groin injury claims:

  • Call 020 8050 2736
  • Complete our ‘claim online‘ form to arrange a chat.
  • Also, you can speak with an advisor using the live window below.

Two solicitors talk about groin injury claims at a desk.

Learn More About Personal Injury Claims

In addition to this guide, these other articles from our website may be of interest to you:

Also, some external links to help:

In conclusion, we appreciate you reading our guide about groin injury claims and look forward to assisting you further.