A Guide To Making A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim

In this guide, we’ll look at how to make a cinema accident compensation claim. If you’ve been involved in an accident at the cinema that was caused by third-party negligence, you could potentially make a claim. 

We’ll be exploring how injuries can happen at the cinema and how a duty of care is owed to you whilst you’re in a cinema.

In this guide, we’ll be discussing the forms that negligence can take and how a third party breaking their duty of care can result in you being injured. If you can prove that this is the case, then you may be able to make a claim. 

If you’re interested in making a claim after an accident in a public place, then you may benefit from working with our panel of solicitors. They can offer their services under a kind of No Win No Fee agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement. Further down in this guide, we’ll discuss this agreement in more detail and what it could potentially mean for your claim. 

If you’d like to get in touch with us to discuss this further, then you can use the contact information below to contact our legal advisors anytime; if your claim is valid, they’ll put you in touch with one of the solicitors from our panel. You can get in touch by:

  • Filling out our contact us form online 
  • Calling us on 020 8050 2736
  • Chat with one of our advisors by using our live chat feature on our website
an image of someone falling over in a cinema and advice on making an accident compensation claim

Cinema accident compensation claim guide

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide On How To Make A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim
  2. Why Is Third-Party Negligence Crucial To Making A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim?
  3. What Evidence Could Help You Recieve Personal Injury Claim Compensation?
  4. What Could You Recieve When Making A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim For An Injury?
  5. Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Lawyers To See If You Can Make A Personal Injury Claim
  6. Learn More About Claiming Personal Injury Claim Compensation

A Guide On How To Make A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim

This guide will discuss the process of making a personal injury claim for an injury that happened in a cinema. In order to make a successful personal injury claim, it’s important to prove that your injuries were caused by the negligence of a third party. Further on in this guide, we’ll discuss what this means.  

The injuries you sustain in this kind of accident can range from minor to severe and life-changing. The severity of your injuries is just one of the things that could impact the amount of compensation that you receive.

If you have any questions or would like to begin the cinema accident compensation claim process, please contact our legal advisors by using the contact information above. 

Why Is Third-Party Negligence Crucial To Making A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim?

The party in control of a public space have a duty of care to every member of public that uses their facilities. They have a responsibility to ensure the reasonable safety of anyone who uses the space for its intended purpose. This is outlined in The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. While the party in control is referred to as the occupier in legislation, they don’t actually need to occupy the space.

You will only be able to make a claim if you can prove that your injury was caused by negligence. This means that the third party: 

  • Had a duty of care to you
  • Breached their duty of care through their action or inaction
  • Caused or contributed to your injury because they breached this duty of care.

Now that we understand what this negligence looks like, we can look at a few different examples of negligence that lead to injury:

  • Falling down stairs due to a faulty handrail
  • Slipping on a wet floor due to no warning signs being present
  • Injuring yourself in a cinema seat that malfuctioned and trapped your hand inside, resulting in a crush injury 

In order to make a successful claim, it’s important that you have sufficient evidence to prove that your injury was caused by third-party negligence. This will be covered in the next section of this guide. However, you can get in touch with our team for free legal advice at any point. 

What Evidence Could Help You Recieve Personal Injury Claim Compensation?

As stated above, in order to make a successful claim, you’ll have to provide evidence. Potential types of evidence that help to prove you were harmed by negligence include: 

  • Witness information
  • CCTV footage (if appropriate) 
  • Photos of the scene of the incident
  • Keeping a diary of your treatment and symptoms
  • Copies of any medical records

If you’re struggling to find evidence, then our panel of solicitors could be beneficial to you. You can speak to a legal advisor by using the contact information above, and providing you have a valid claim, they may be able to put you in touch with a solicitor from our experienced panel. They can help you collect any evidence that may be beneficial to your claim and answer any questions you may have about making a cinema accident compensation claim.

Is There A Personal Injury Claim Time Limit?

The standard time limit for starting personal injury claims is three years. This can be from the accident’s date or the date you became aware that your injuries were caused by negligence. This is outlined in The Limitation Act 1980.  Exceptions can apply to these time limits, however. 

If a person is under eighteen or isn’t mentally capable of pursuing their own claim, then the time limit is suspended. Furthermore, in these circumstances, a litigation friend could make a claim on a person’s behalf. However, if a person becomes able to to make a claim and one has not already been made for them, the three-year period would begin then. 

If you have any further queries about the personal claims time limit, don’t hesitate to contact us by using the information on this page. 

What Could You Recieve When Making A Cinema Accident Compensation Claim For An Injury?

General damages is one of the heads of claim that can potentially be awarded in a successful cinema accident compensation claim. These damages aim to compensate a claimant for the pain and suffering that the claimant’s injuries have caused them.

Below is a table detailing compensation brackets that you could receive. These figures come from the Judicial College Guidelines, which is a publication that is used by solicitors to help assign a value to claims.

Note that these figures are not guaranteed. This is due to the many different variables that are taken into account when valuing general damages.

Multiple Severe Injuries Plus Special DamagesUp to £1,000,000+Multiple very severe injuries valued with special damages, which means financial losses.
Brain and Head Injury£344,150 to £493,000(a) Very Severe: In cases where there may be some ability to follow basic commands, but little evidence of a response to an environment,
Neck InjuriesIn the region of £181,020(a) Severe (i): Neck injury associated with an incomplete paraplegia, despite person wearing a collar for a period of years, there is still little or no movement in the neck.
Neck Injuries£5,310 to £9,630(c) Minor (i): Full recovery takes place within a period of one to two years.
Back Injuries£111,150 to £196,450(a) Severe (i): Cases of severe injuries involving damage to nerve roots and the spinal cord. Combination of incomplete paralysis and impaired bowel, bladder, and sexual function.
Injuries to the Pelvis and Hips£95,680 to £159,770(a) Severe (i): Extensive, dislocation of a low back joint, or a hip injury with intolerable pain and necessitating spinal fusion. There will be residual disabilities.
Leg Injuries£47,840 to £66,920(b) Severe Leg Injuries (iii): Serious fractures or injuries to joints resulting in instability, prolonged treatment, and a long period of non weight bearing.
Leg Injuries£33,880 to £47,840(b) Severe Leg Injuries (iv): Includes complicated injuries generally to a single limb, Large degree of different awards available due to variety of injuries
Whiplash Injuries £4,215One or more whiplash injuries that lasts for a period of 18-24 months.
Whiplash Injuries £4,345One or more whiplash injuries with one or more minor psychological injuries that lasts for a period of 18-24 months.

Special Damages In A Negligence Claim

Special damages are another head of claim that could make up your overall compensation amount. These damages aim to reimburse you for any financial losses you may have accrued during your recovery. This can include:

  • Cost of care
  • Loss of earnings
  • Modifications to your home that you need to cope with a disability 
  • Any medication you have paid for

Similarly to general damages, you’ll have to provide evidence to receive compensation for these financial losses, including invoices, receipts, or bank statements. 

Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Lawyers To See If You Can Make A Personal Injury Claim

If you’re interested in making a personal claim, then you might find it beneficial to use one of the No Win No Fee solicitors from our panel. By using a No Win No Fee solicitor working under a Conditional Fee Agreement, you’ll only usually have to pay for their services at the end of a successful claim through a success fee.

In the event that your claim is not successful, you generally won’t be asked to pay your lawyer for the work they have done. If you’re awarded compensation, then they will deduct a legally-capped percentage of your settlement as a success fee.

In order to begin your cinema accident compensation claim, you can contact us by using the details below:

  • Filling out our contact us form online 
  • Calling us on 020 8050 2736
  • Chat with one of our advisors by using our live chat feature on our website

Learn More About Claiming Personal Injury Claim Compensation

If you’d like to learn more about personal injury claims, then we have included a few links below you can follow to learn more: 

If you’d like to read more, then we have included a few external links below:

If you have further questions about making a cinema accident compensation claim, speak with a member of our team today.

Writer Louis Pen

Publisher Fern Stringer